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Quercetin & Vitamin C - Two Powerful Nutrients for Immune Strength

Quercetin and vitamin C have the ability to stop viruses, bacteria, allergic reactions, and bronchial inflammation. Learn why they should be part of everyone’s immune-strengthening regimen!

Olive Extract for Healthy Aging

There’s More to Olives than the Oil Although I’m a huge fan of olive oil, there is more to the olive tree than the oil alone. The leaves and fruits are also excellent sources of polyphenols and other nutrients that can greatly enhance your life. In fact, scientific and clinical research has discovered olive leaves and fruit contain concentrated levels of beneficial nutrients in even great...

The Miracle of Melatonin—Health Beyond Restorative Sleep

Melatonin is best known for the way it supports healthy sleep cycles, but the truth is, it does so much more! Learn how this popular supplement can do everything from preventing cancer to treating depression to relieving digestive disorders.

Andrographis and Umckaloabo Stop Colds and Flus

Every year, millions of Americans fight colds and flus. While it’s popular to say that there’s “no cure for the common cold,” I’d like to differ. You can stop seasonal illnesses without resorting to over-the-counter medicines that make you feel tired or jittery and only mask the symptoms. Two time-honored and clinically studied herbs, andrographis and umckaloabo, get to the roots of colds an...

Stop Coughing and Breathe Easy with Ivy Leaf Extract

Stop Coughs Safely and Start Breathing Easy When you have a cough, congested or constricted lungs, or other respiratory symptoms associated with asthma, bronchitis, or colds, you want soothing relief, without feeling drowsy or jittery. Fortunately, nature has provided an excellent medicine to help: ivy leaf extract. It relieves the irritation and frequency of coughs, opens bronchial path...

Elderberry Fights Viral Infections

Viral infections, including common flus, severe respiratory illnesses, and shingles all have one thing in common: a compromised immune system. They are also difficult to treat conventionally, and can take a long time to release their grip. 

The good news is there are powerful natural ingredients that can help you avoid these troublesome problems.  Best yet, at higher dosages for a limited duration - about 1 or 2 days - they can actually reverse viral illnesses and put you on the path to natural healing.


Propolis: The Natural Antibiotic for Ear Infections, Candida, & More

Propolis, made from the resins gathered by bees to protect their hives, was used as a medicinal ingredient in the ancient world. Today it is being intensively studied and recommended for its ability to fight MRSA, candida, strep throat, ear infections, and much more.

Gamma Cyclodextrin: Helping Nutrients Reach Their Full Potential

While there is an astonishing variety of nutrients that can boost energy, strengthen the immune system, stop tumor growth, or regulate blood sugar, these nutrients have to be effectively absorbed in order to be useful. Fortunately, gamma cyclodextrin can help. You may not have heard about it before, but this odd-sounding ingredient can enhance the bioavailability of hard-to-absorb, fat-solub...

Live Longer with Polyphenols

Did you know the natural compounds that give fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs their vibrant colors can also give you vibrant, life-long health? Learn how polyphenols can fight inflammation, boost your immune health, and protect you from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more!

Boost Your Immune System & Stop Tumors

Two Minerals Can Make a World of Difference

Nutrient deficiencies are a serious risk and are more common than you think. It’s estimated that worldwide, about 2 billion people are deficient in zinc and around 1 billion people have insufficient selenium intake. But by supplementing with these two nutrients, you can bolster your own natural immune defenses, protect against tumor formation, and stop inflammatory and oxidative damage throughout your body. Zinc and selenium are critical to overall health and well-being, and I urge you to incorporate them into your regimen every day.

Leg Cramps, Dry Cough, and More

Combined with magnesium and zinc, calcium can help relieve muscle cramps, Restless Leg Syndrome, PMS symptoms, and more! Keep reading to find out how this amazing combination of nutrients might be exactly what you need.

Andrographis – The Ayurvedic Answer for Overall Health

It’s an understatement to say you can enhance your life with Andrographis. It is simply one of the most impressive herbal multitaskers in the world and can help prevent or potentially reverse a multitude of diseases. I’m going to tell you all the ways it can heal and transform your health, and what to look for in an Andrographis supplement.

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