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Lactoferrin & Propolis: Fights Bacterial, Viral, & Fungal Infections

ARTICLE BY | Terry Lemerond

Having a strong immune system isn’t only about stopping colds or flus; it’s also about building a robust defense that helps you avoid illnesses in the first place. Two nutrients that do that incredibly well are lactoferrin and propolis. Working together, they defend your health in many ways:

• Stop bacterial, fungal, and viral infections
• Fight respiratory and ear infections and reduce symptoms
• Prevent peptic ulcers
• Boost probiotic activity
• Inhibit tumor formation and cancer spread
• Balance iron levels and prevent anemia

Lactoferrin: An Incredible Immune-Protecting Protein

We’ve all seen in these past few years how critical it is to maintain health in body and mind—especially in the case of our immune system. And one of the best nutrients for building a strong immune defense is lactoferrin.

Lactoferrin is naturally present in the human body and is one of the most important protective nutrients in a mother’s milk. But, as we get older, that natural protection begins to fade. Supplemental sources, like bovine lactoferrin (which shares over 75 percent of the same characteristics as human lactoferrin), become critical.

As a component of milk or whey protein, bovine lactoferrin has much to offer. First isolated from cow’s milk in 1939 and extensively studied and used since the 1960s, this natural antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory nutrient can work wonders for your immune defenses. Pair it with propolis, another incredibly powerful immune-strengthening nutrient, and you have an unbeatable combination.

Lactoferrin Stops Bacterial Infections

In recent decades it has become more readily admitted that, as powerful as antibiotics can be, they have a weakness—bacteria become resistant. One very sobering statistic predicts that by the year 2050, this antibiotic resistance alone could lead to 10 million deaths worldwide.

Granted, this has been a problem very much of our own making, but placing blame doesn’t stop bacterial infections.

Fortunately, lactoferrin can.

Lactoferrin is a strong defender against Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, best known as MRSA), and the yeast Candida albicans—just to name a few.

One way lactoferrin stops bacterial infections is by starving them of the iron that would feed them. But lactoferrin also attacks bacterial cell walls, weakening them to make them more susceptible to the effects of our immune defenses. Plus, lactoferrin interferes with the ability of bacteria to adhere to receptor sites on cells, which stops them from having a home base to operate and grow.

Lactoferrin also marshals our defenses whenever a threat to the immune system is detected, helping signal white blood cells to intercept bacterial invaders. Lactoferrin promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, in the digestive tract.

As I mentioned, concern regarding the overuse of antibiotics has driven research to find effective alternatives, and lactoferrin is one of them. In a 12-week placebo-controlled clinical study, lactoferrin inhibited the colonization of Helicobacter pylori in individuals who tested positive for the bacteria. H. pylori is well-known as a cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers, but frequent antibiotic treatments have led to the development of resistant strains, so finding other options is critical.

And if you are in situations that wear down your defenses, lactoferrin can help. In an Australian clinical study, lactoferrin increased T-cell activation and antioxidant action in 14 days, showing that it bolsters immune readiness before exposure to potential bacterial or viral infections. I would consider lactoferrin an essential before travel, a new semester at school, or any time that you may be under additional stress.

Fights Viruses, Including COVID-19

Lactoferrin also fights viruses by preventing them from binding to receptors on cells where they would set up shop and replicate. In scientific research, lactoferrin effectively stopped flu viruses from invading lung cells, and clinical work has investigated the nutrient’s actions in fighting a multitude of viral illnesses, including hepatitis C, the common cold, and COVID-19.

Scientific research has found that lactoferrin reduces the infectivity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by directly puncturing through the viruses’ membrane and disrupting its ability to replicate.

For individuals dealing with chronic hepatitis C, lactoferrin may also prevent serious liver damage and further complications. In one eight-week clinical study, lactoferrin reduced levels of the virus and lowered levels of serum alanine transferase, a marker enzyme for liver concerns, in 75 percent of study participants with milder forms of the disease.

And, in the case of COVID-19, patients taking lactoferrin (or lactoferrin combined with vitamin C and zinc) recovered within 4 or 5 days. In healthy family members who had been exposed to COVID and treated with a half dose (64 mg to 96 mg daily), lactoferrin prevented the onset of the illness completely.

Lactoferrin also works well with antiviral drugs, including acyclovir for herpes and shingles, ribavirin for hepatitis C, and zidovudine for treating HIV.


While lactoferrin and propolis are incredible natural medicines, any nutrient is more effective when it is better absorbed. Gamma cyclodextrin can help.

Gamma cyclodextrin is a natural plant sourced oligosaccharide with a strong track record in improving bioavailability: in the case of CoQ10, it’s been shown to boost absorption by as much as 8 times.

This improvement also means a smaller dose of a nutrient is needed to yield strong results. In addition to boosting absorption, gamma cyclodextrin can help neutralize strong flavors, so it can be used to formulate pleasant-tasting chewable tablets which are often preferred by children or adults who have a difficult time swallowing standard tablets or capsules.

Anticancer Actions

Researchers are also studying lactoferrin’s potential to prevent tumor formation and the spread of cancer. For example, scientific research has shown that lactoferrin improves the effects of tamoxifen for fighting breast cancer while restoring immune actions that have been compromised by the chemotherapy drug. Lactoferrin has shown positive effects in other preliminary studies for melanoma, colon, and pancreatic cancers. Since lactoferrin can also cross the blood-brain barrier, researchers consider that it could be used to fight brain tumors as well, especially in combination with chemotherapy drugs, making them more effective.

Lactoferrin Balances Iron Levels

Although lactoferrin binds iron, it actually helps balance iron levels in the body. In fact, lactoferrin has been recommended for safely preventing and treating anemia, showing better results than supplemental iron itself!

One review of clinical studies found supplementing with lactoferrin was just as effective as iron for women with iron deficiency anemia, but didn’t cause gastric upset like the mineral can. A clinical study of women long distance runners found that athletes who combined iron supplementation with lactoferrin during eight weeks of training had significantly higher red blood cell counts than those taking supplemental iron only.

The iron-balancing actions of lactoferrin also preserve cells from premature aging and damage, including brain cells, where oxidative damage caused by iron is implicated in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

But it’s important to know that lactoferrin doesn’t cause low iron levels—its binding abilities are reversible as conditions require it.

Propolis: A Perfect Partner to Lactoferrin

Propolis is a flavonoid and polyphenol-rich material collected from plants and trees by bees, and then modified by the bees enzymes into a protective antibacterial compound they use in building their hives. Since ancient times, propolis has been used medicinally. Supplemental forms, purified into a nutrient-rich powder, continue to be studied and recommended today— for good reason.

Fights Bacterial and Viral Infections

Propolis, like lactoferrin, may help reduce the need for antibiotics— but can also be used along with them. Clinical studies show propolis can reduce the duration and severity of ear infections and prevent them from developing into added complications like sore throat or recurring upper respiratory (URI) infections.

In a study of adults with URIs, 83 percent of those taking propolis saw symptom relief and ultimately remission in just three days, versus the placebo group who were still experiencing symptoms. And that was without taking any other treatment. Researchers also noted that propolis was especially fast and effective when taken at first signs of an illness.

And, like lactoferrin, propolis also inhibits the actions of the COVID-19 virus, interfering with both the spike glycoprotein (the characteristic spikes that stick out from the viruses) and the enzyme receptors that the virus binds to

Propolis Stops Tumor Growth

Scientists reporting in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine demonstrated that the polyphenols in propolis were mainly responsible for cancer cell inhibition and considered it a possible treatment option for different types of leukemia.

Propolis has other strengths as well. Its ability to stop the development of tumors is due, in part, to a natural compound it contains called caffeic acid phenethyl ester, otherwise known as CAPE. CAPE blocks the release of inflammatory cytokines and boosts the production of natural anti-inflammatory components in the body. Interestingly, other scientific research with CAPE found the compound’s anti-tumor activity was greatly improved when it was combined with gamma cyclodextrin, which enhances the nutrient’s absorption.

Build Up Your Immune Defenses with Lactoferrin and Propolis
Lactoferrin and propolis are powerful natural medicines. They are incredibly effective individually and even more so when combined. As part of a daily regimen, or whenever you need an extra assist for immune defense, I think you’ll be impressed by their ability to provide protection against viruses, bacteria, and any other challenges to your health throughout the year.

When in doubt, always consult your physician or healthcare practitioner. This article is intended to provide you with information to maintain your health.

Terry Lemerond is a natural health expert with over 55 years of experience. He has owned health food stores, founded dietary supplement companies, and formulated over 500 products.