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Safe, Effective Botanicals for Acute Pain

Over-the-counter pain relievers come with a host of side effects and dangerous consequences. In fact, they account for more than 60,000 emergency room visits each year. Thankfully, there is a botanical combination that can relieve pain quickly, safely, and effectively—without the risk of dangerous side effects! Keep reading to learn more.  

Stop Lower Back Pain—Naturally and Effectively

If you are one of the millions of Americans dealing with excruciating back pain every day, you have probably tried over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, physical therapy, or steroid injections. Maybe you’ve considered risky back surgery in an attempt to get rid of the pain. Here’s some good news. You can safely and effectively deal with your back pain in a different way.

The Miracle of Melatonin—Health Beyond Restorative Sleep

Melatonin is best known for the way it supports healthy sleep cycles, but the truth is, it does so much more! Learn how this popular supplement can do everything from preventing cancer to treating depression to relieving digestive disorders.

Stop Joint Damage with Rosehips and Type II Collagen

Restore Your Joints and Feel Good Again

Conventional medications can relieve joint pain, but damage your liver, stomach lining, heart, and mind. If you’re ready to skip the conventional approaches to dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or the pain that comes with exercise or a physically demanding job, I believe you’ll find a combination of rosehips and type II collagen can truly rescue your joints and help you restore your active, healthy life.

The Mediterranean Anti-Aging Secret

Many popular botanicals around the world have been used in their localities for thousands of years to promote longevity. When we first learn about them, they seem completely new, despite long histories of traditional use. One such botanical is Greek mountain tea, recognized throughout the Mediterranean region as a powerful botanical for supporting overall health and wellness. Traditionally c...

Stop Headaches Without Risk

Almost everyone gets headaches. When it happens to you, pain relief is foremost in your mind. The problem is, the drugs used to treat headaches can be more dangerous than the headaches themselves, yet there is widespread belief that they are safe for frequent use. That’s not the case. Common analgesics, whether aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, have terrible effects on the liver, heart, ...

Pain and Sleep: An Intimate Connection

When you’re in pain, you lose sleep. You’re also losing the chance to heal naturally. Common over-the counter painkillers don’t fix the problem, but there is a natural, safe way to stop the pain and get a good night’s sleep. Does that sound like what you need?

Curcumin: The All-In-One-Solution

If you aren’t excited about curcumin and all the possibilities it has to prevent and fight cancer—that’s about to change. When you hear all that is happening with the research of this amazing botanical, you’ll get excited along with me. Lives can be changed…it’s a powerful, natural medicine that’s affecting all types of cancer. Here’s what you need to know…


Live Longer with Polyphenols

Did you know the natural compounds that give fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs their vibrant colors can also give you vibrant, life-long health? Learn how polyphenols can fight inflammation, boost your immune health, and protect you from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more!

Acute and Chronic Pain

When you’re in pain, you want something that works fast. You want relief that does more than simply mask pain, but also stops inflammation without the risks to your kidneys, stomach, liver, and heart. When people turn to over-the-counter solutions, they are asking for long-term health issues. There are some natural ingredients that deal with chronic and acute pain, in fact they are superior to conventional drugs in both efficacy and safety. Let’s deal with your pain the smart way, right now!

Become a Believer in Tart Cherry for Gout

Round, red, and delicious, tart cherries are stars of the summer season. But did you know they also provide powerful nutrients for fighting pain and inflammation associated with gout?

Say "No" to Pain Killing Drugs - and "Yes" to Safe Curcumin

For generations, over-the-counter and prescription pain killers better known as “NSAIDS”, have been the go-to drug of choice for pain relief. The problem is, they don’t only relieve pain—they can destroy your health. But there is some good news; curcumin blended with turmeric essential oil, a source of ar-turmerone, can relieve chronic and acute pain. Safely deal with pain!

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