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Why Won’t You Just Answer My Question?

ARTICLE BY | Jennifer Hansgate
Why Won’t You Just Answer My Question?

The Terry Naturally® customer service team answers hundreds of questions every day and takes pride in providing accurate information quickly.

However, sometimes consumers tell us that we aren’t answering their question. And the truth is, yes, sometimes we aren’t. And that isn’t because we don’t care if we are helpful or not. It is because sometimes we cannot legally answer your questions due to dietary supplement regulations. The regulatory environment regarding supplement companies and the health claims we make can be confusing. Unfortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits all dietary food companies from providing medical advice or making personal health recommendations. However, we encourage you to do research, explore our website, and read studies on your own, which can help you make personal decisions regarding supplements and your health.

Here's What We Can't Tell You

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We can’t give you medical advice. Example: What should I take if I have irritable bowel disease?
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We can’t tell you how to treat an illness or injury. Example: I hurt my back in a car accident, what product should I use?
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We can’t recommend a product for you or your family member’s health problems. Example: My mom was recently diagnosed with early onset dementia, what can I give her to help?
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We can’t tell you how or when to use prescription medications. Example: My doctor prescribed a new drug for me but I would rather take something natural instead, what do you suggest?


Here's What We Can Tell You

There are clear rules about what kind of information dietary supplement manufacturers can give consumers. We can tell you:

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What makes our products unique.
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What ingredients our products contain and where those ingredients come from.
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What health benefits our products provide as long as we don’t connect them with the prevention or treatment of diseases.

According to the regulations in the United States, drugs are prescribed to treat diseases, and dietary supplements (which includes the Terry Naturally brand products) support healthy bodies and cannot be recommended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent an illness or disease.

We know that it is frustrating when you don’t get a straightforward answer to your questions, so we want you to understand that is not because we don’t understand what you want to know, it is because we must comply with the rules regarding dietary supplements.

Jennifer Hansgate received her master's degree in library and information science from St. John's University in New York. She has over 30 years professional experience, including two decades of research experience in the dietary supplement field, and continues to appreciate there is something new to learn every day. She enjoys helping people educate themselves on the health benefits of botanicals and dietary supplements.