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Protect and Heal your Heart

Red Sage and Red Ginseng Keep Your Heart Strong You may have already heard the statistics about heart disease: it is the number one killer in the United States, one person dies of cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds, and one in every five deaths is due to heart-related conditions. Fortunately, as grim as those numbers are, heart disease can be stopped. For starters, reducing processe...

French Grape Seed OPCs for Diabetes, Heart, Cancer and More

There are many botanical ingredients that simply work wonders for our health. Grape seed extract is one of them. This amazing ingredient prevents heart disease, kills cancer cells, speeds the healing of damaged muscle tissue, reduces non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, reduces inflammation, and can even stop diabetes and prevent weight gain. We’ll take a look at its amazing abilities in this article.

Berberine Prevents Metabolic Syndrome

If you’re one of the one in three Americans who suffers from metabolic syndrome, I have great news for you. A natural compound called berberine can effectively address your symptoms and start you on the path toward healing. Berberine can reduce triglycerides, balance cholesterol levels, fight hypertension, normalize blood sugar, and assist in weight loss. Keep reading to learn how and why berberine is the botanical for you!  

Stroke Prevention and Recovery…Naturally!

To lower overall cholesterol, and reduce your risk of stroke or heart disease, try amla. This botanical is excellent for getting your cholesterol levels into balance. In only three months, amla has been shown to reduce LDL by 21%, increase HDL by 14%, and lower triglyceride levels by 24%!

Stop the Silent Killer: High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

If your blood pressure numbers are trending upward, or you have a family history of high blood pressure and want to prevent hypertension, you have a natural choice. Olive leaf and tannin-free grape seed extracts provide safe, effective control without side effects. Together, they will protect your heart and arteries and normalize blood pressure levels. Here’s what you need to know.

Vibrant Health from the Best Essential Nutrients

It’s a fact, there is a deficit of nutrients in our diets. Some people rely on a once-daily multiple or an over-specialized formula that doesn’t provide the vitamins and minerals needed at meaningful levels or in forms that are easily used. What a waste of time! I want you to know about a formula that provides the nutrients you need in the best form. This is the formula that can make a difference.

Prevent and Heal the Damage of Cardiovascular Disease

Step one in your heart health plan should be eliminating refined sugar and carbohydrates from your diet. For more on this, please read my diet and exercise plan (available on my website). But, there are also some very important nutrients I consider to be “must-haves” for your heart and I will discuss them in this article. Magnesium Magnesium is an energy mineral, ...

Prevent Heart Disease with Vitamins A, D3, and K2

Do you know how to keep calcium in your bones and out of your arteries? How to prevent dangerous blood clots, heart attacks, and high blood pressure? How to help keep arteries flexible and strong? How to reduce inflammatory markers in the bloodstream? The answer might surprise you. Let’s explore  Vitamins A, D3, and K2!

Prevent Disease with CoQ10

CoQ10 deficiency can lead to serious consequences from diseases. But supplementation can change that. It can help reduce the risk of heart attacks, inhibit cognitive and motor decline, treat diabetic neuropathy, and stop damage throughout the mind and body, and that’s just the beginning. You need to understand why you need CoQ10.

Solve the Riddle of Mental and Nerve Disorders with Bio-Active Bs

Yes, you need B vitamins, but are you aware that not all forms of B vitamins are helpful? If you’re looking to keep you nervous system functioning well, your mind focused, and much more—now is the opportunity to understand B vitamins.

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