Our vision is an incredibly precious gift. But too often, it can be easy to take the health of our eyes for granted. Our eyes deal with an awful lot both day and night—screen time, dust, ultra-violet rays from sunlight, and oxidative stresses from simply being alive.
Fortunately, there are easy ways to keep your vision strong, and many of them simply mirror what it takes to remain healthy overall:

Eat a healthy diet rich in vitamin A and other eye-friendly nutrients. Eating whole, unprocessed food is always a good choice for overall well-being, but when you’re concerned about supporting eye health and night vision, consider increasing your intake of these foods:
- Blueberries
- Carrots
- Eggs (a great source of bioavailable lutein)
- Peppers (a source of beta-carotene and lutein)
- Spinach, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, Swiss chard, and other greens
- Squash
- Sweet potatoes

Exercise doesn’t just help you stay in shape, it also helps you maintain healthy blood pressure levels throughout your body, including in the delicate blood vessels of your eyes.

Get regular eye exams to make sure your eyes are healthy. Going every couple of years is a good way to keep current in your prescription (if you wear glasses) and stay ahead of anything that might require additional treatment.

Wear sunglasses that are high quality and block out UVA and UVB rays. When you do, it’s about way more than just looking stylish—you’re doing a big favor for your vision. Ultraviolet light increases the risk of free radical damage, and creates eye strain and fatigue, too.

Watch your screen time because the blue light from smartphones, laptops, and TVs can cause a lot of strain and potential for oxidative damage. If you work at a computer, give your eyes a break as often as possible by shifting your focus and looking away.

Wear eye protection when doing any chores or work that throws paint chips, sawdust, gravel, or other objects in your direction.

Supplement sensibly with formulas that are targeted to support eye comfort, focus, and protection from the risk of oxidative stress and damage.* Here are two that fit great into any daily regimen:

Omega-7 Dry Eye Relief*†: Because of sun and wind exposure, contact lenses, working on a computer, or changes as you get older, you may notice occasional discomfort from dry eyes. Omega-7 Dry Eye Relief† can help. It delivers clinically studied sea buckthorn oil, SB-150™, which supplies essential alpha-linolenic and linoleic fatty acids, vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and plant sterols to support healthy eye moisture and comfort.*

Healthy Night Vision*: If you’d like more confidence when driving at night, reading in low-light conditions, or dealing with the effects of blue light from screen use, this combination of lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, French grape seed extract VX1®, and retinol vitamin A can help. These nutrients are known for their support of overall vision health individually, but are even stronger working together.*