The Sugar and Insulin Connection
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It picks up sugars in the bloodstream and carries them into the cells for energy.

The more starch you eat, the more insulin your body needs to produce. High-sugar and high-carbohydrate diets put a huge burden on your insulin production. There is simply too much sugar for insulin to process, and increasingly higher levels of sugar remain in the bloodstream.
There’s another complication. Because high-sugar and refined carbohydrate foods cause inflammation, the body’s own natural inflammatory reaction can impair the ability of insulin to do its job, so cells become starved for energy. If cells start to ignore insulin (called “insulin resistance”), they do not respond to insulin’s signals to accept sugar into the cell for energy production. Starved too long, cells start to die. Ironic, isn’t it, that a disease we associate with overeating actually causes starvation at the cellular level?
But high blood sugar and diabetes is not inevitable. Despite the statistics, you can stabilize and reverse your high blood sugar levels with diet, exercise, and an amazing herbal extract. This remarkable botanical for blood sugar control has been clinically shown to treat mild and moderate type 2 diabetes. It is a traditionally used plant found in Mexico and Central America called Hintonia latiflora.
Hintonia latiflora—Herbal Rescue for High Blood Sugar
The dried bark of Hintonia latiflora has been traditionally used to support healthy blood sugar balance, and, in fact, it is commonly found in marketplaces in Mexico. It grows in the desert, where it has to withstand an intense climate. Toughing out monsoon-like rainy seasons and scorching dry spells has created a powerful defense mechanism within the plant itself. Much in the same way that concentrations of anthocyanins (protective compounds found in berries) increase after a plant is stressed, the beneficial features of Hintonia are made all the stronger by its ability to survive and thrive in a difficult environment. While Hintonia has been traditionally recommended for diabetes and gastrointestinal complaints, it has shown some exciting clinical results as well.
Impressive Clinical Results
Hintonia latiflora has been clinically studied in Germany for over 60 years in individuals with type 2 diabetes and shows impressive results. In clinical trials, patients with mild to moderate type 2 diabetes saw significant reductions in their daily blood sugar levels. Many of the people in the studies who were using insulin or oral medications to reduce their blood sugar levels were able to reduce the dosage of their prescription medications or insulin after adding Hintonia, and some were able to go off oral medications entirely. In a long-term follow up, Hintonia was still effective after three years of use, and no serious side effects occurred.
These studies have also demonstrated the ability of Hintonia latiflora to lower A1C levels by as much as 10%. A1C (Hemoglobin A1C or HbA1C) is a blood test that provides information about a person’s average levels of blood sugar over the past three months. The higher the test results, the higher a person’s blood glucose levels have been. When it comes to A1C, tiny reductions in levels can equal big benefits. A 1% (1 percentage point) decrease in A1C can lead to a:
- 19% reduction in risk of cataracts
- 16% reduction in risk of heart failure
- 43% less risk of amputation or death from peripheral vascular disease
Ideally, nobody would have to be on a prescription drug to control their blood sugar. But after 60 years of research, studies on Hintonia have shown that it can safely reduce blood sugar levels and delay the need to start prescription drugs or, if drugs are needed, allow for a lower dosage to be used that is still effective. Of course, I always recommend you discuss use of any supplement with your healthcare practitioner.
Clinical Results Have Also Shown...
Hintonia latiflora combined with key nutrients for blood sugar control can:
- Improve fasting and postprandial blood sugar by 23% and 24%, respectively
- Balance total cholesterol and reduce triglyceride levels
- Prevent hypoglycemia—undesirable drops in blood sugar
- Reduce medication use (39% of patients reduced medication—some didn’t need it at all!)
Why Does Hintonia Work?
Plants and plant extracts are complex, and the reasons behind their benefits can be a challenge to unlock. However, scientists have been working diligently to discover the keys to Hintonia latiflora’s success. Hintonia bark contains compounds that help keep blood sugar levels stable. Clinical work with the ingredient has shown it was so effective that individuals could reduce or entirely dispense with their insulin medication in type 2 diabetes. Hintonia is also an inhibitor of alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme that releases sugar from foods, particularly carbohydrates. And coutareagenin, a polyphenol found in the bark extract, appears to be responsible for other blood sugar-controlling benefits. For the best results, look for an extract standardized for this compound.
Hintonia is able to slow sugar metabolism, delaying the release of sugar in the bloodstream and keeping glucose levels down, rather than allowing them to spike as often seen in cases of type 2 diabetes.
What You Can Do
I would encourage those with blood sugar issues to consider adopting a low-carb paleo or a ketogenic diet. These diets provide sufficient daily fats and proteins—but very few carbs—which means the body’s energy comes from using body fat and fats from the diet. These fats provide ketones, which are used for energy rather than glucose. When you essentially “train” your body to stop using glucose as its primary source of energy, you help break the addiction to sugars and carbs and reduce your risk of diabetes.
Because I have been asked about this information so many times, I have outlined a meal plan and an exercise program that is simple and effective in getting people healthy.
Additionally, I would strongly urge you to add a clinically studied Hintonia latiflora to your daily regimen. The form I recommend is combined with trace amounts of B vitamins, folic acid, chromium, zinc, and vitamins C and E. These ingredients can help to protect against oxidative damage to blood vessels, stop nerve damage, and keep metabolism functioning well.

Reverse High Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes is an epidemic, but you don’t have to become a statistic. By changing your food choices, getting sensible exercise, and adding the clinically studied power of Hintonia latiflora to your daily regimen, you can fight back against diabetes and look forward to a healthy future.
To help safely reduce blood sugars to a healthier level, I recommend adding the clinically studied power of Hintonia latiflora to your daily regimen.