Is it your goal to die “young” at a very old age? Two critical factors in slowing aging and staying healthy are oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress is associated with a cascade of harmful changes at a cellular level, which also leads to chronic inflammation and even greater oxidative damage. While lifestyle and diet are key factors to consider, two botanicals—aronia berry and grape seed—can defend you against virtually any health concern you might face.

Powerful Aronia Berries Fight Free Radicals
There are hundreds—maybe even thousands—of substances that can act as antioxidants. However, antioxidants are not all the same. While all antioxidants neutralize free radicals, some are more effective than others. One of the best ways to protect yourself from free radical damage and inflammation is through some of the most powerful, natural antioxidants, anthocyanins, which belong to a family of beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols.
You’ve probably encountered anthocyanins more often than you realize: any time you see rich purple, blue, black, or deep red fruits, you’re seeing anthocyanins. These compounds provide color and protect the plants from oxidative stress. These same compounds protect you from oxidative damage as well, and aronia fruits are an excellent source.
In fact, the ORAC value—a measure of their ability to absorb free radicals that damage cells and accelerate aging—is an astounding 16,000 per 100 grams in aronia berries. That rating far exceeds even blueberries, which are incredibly wellknown free radical fighters. Blueberries come in at just 6,552 per 100 grams.
Unlike blueberries, aronia berries (also known as chokeberries) are tart, similar to drinking a dry wine. However, in the case of aronia berries, that tartness also indicates a high level of antioxidants, making them one of the world’s most valuable, natural medicines.
Overall, aronia berries have the powerful ability to stop the progression of free radical damage and begin the healing process in the body. This makes the berries incredibly effective for treating so many conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.
Grape Seed Compounds Stop Oxidative Stress
Scientists, medical researchers, and ordinary people alike have long known that grapes provide a wide range of protective benefits. The wine-friendly French diet is a case in point, with its intake of anthocyanin compounds from the skins of and fruits of grapes used in a variety of vintages. But the truth is, incredible nutrient riches are found in the seeds of grapes, too.
Why Grape Seed?
The study of grape seed oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) developed in a roundabout way. A French professor, Jacques Masquellier, was fascinated by the history of explorer Jacques Cartier’s crew making a tea of pine bark that saved them from a nutritional disease called scurvy. And pine bark and grape seeds have one thing in common: both contain OPCs. So, using a locally available source while working in the wine-rich region of Bordeaux, Masquellier pioneered extracting OPCs from grape seeds. And grape seed OPCs have proven to be incredibly valuable for strengthening your health in many ways. These antioxidant compounds have been shown to be better free radical scavengers and inhibitors of oxidative tissue damage than vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene.
However, finding a grape seed extract that is effective can be a challenge. That is because not all grape seed OPCs are actually absorbable.
Being tannin-free is a critical factor for grape seed extracts to be effective—it’s one of the reasons that the researchers studying effects on cancer chose the same French grape seed extract I prefer for their work. While tannins are technically OPCs, they are not readily absorbed by the body, so their potential is severely limited. Tannin-free sources of OPCs, on the other hand, have a low-molecular weight and are easily absorbed.
Grape seed is well-known for preventing heart disease: it protects blood vessel walls from free radical damage, prevents the dangerous oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure. But grape seed can also play a role in strengthening the structure of joints and bones, preventing damage to brain and nerve cells leading to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and preserving delicate blood vessels in the eyes to prevent vision problems.
In fact, OPCs from a tannin-free French grape seed extract have been found to utterly shrink tumor cells into oblivion and prevent tumor recurrence, because the OPCs kill cancer stem cells—the “seeds” of tumors that conventional chemotherapy drugs can’t reach.

Two Key Botanicals for Healthy Aging and a Long Life
Aronia and grape seed extract are the ideal botanical duo for a long life. Included in a daily regimen, these two nutrients can deliver incredible results and can help you overcome some of the biggest challenges in aging well and living with vibrant good health for the long haul.
What Can You Do to Stop Oxidative Damage? Quite a Bit!
While some oxidation is inevitable during the body’s daily functions, reducing excessive levels of oxidative stress is key to good health, and is a goal within your grasp.
Start with your diet. Get proteins every day and at every meal. Proteins are our original energy and power foods, and they are necessary to maintain health at a cellular level. Remember that animal protein is rich in readily absorbable amino acids, which are the building blocks of a healthy mind and body.
For fats, consider healthy fats like cream and butter, coconut oil, and especially olive oil. Many Americans probably consume around 60 to 70 percent of their meals as refined and processed carbohydrates, and 20 to 30 percent unhealthy fats (omega- 6 from vegetable oils, shortening and margarine), which is certain to create intensive levels of oxidative stress and take a toll on overall health.
And of course, enrich your diet with colorful fruits and vegetables that have a high antioxidant value. As I’ve mentioned previously, aronia berries have the highest antioxidant ORAC value of all berries. They are rich sources of anthocyanins that protect you from free radicals and oxidative damage.
Additional sensible lifestyle choices keep your natural antioxidant defenses strong as well: don’t smoke or vape, and if you do—stop. Maintain a healthy weight with appropriate exercise and minimize your exposure to toxins, pesticides, drugs, chemicals, and pollutants. And one other critical step—add the powerful herbal antioxidant combination of aronia berry and grape seed extract to your daily regimen for concentrated and consistent antioxidant effects.

ARONIA BERRY AND GRAPE SEED EXTRACT: Antioxidant Protection from Head to Toe
Head to toe, from preventing dementia to reducing risk of nerve damage in hands and feet, the antioxidant power of aronia and grape seed can keep your body healthy and strong. While there are numerous benefits associated with aronia and grape seed OPCs, here is a summary of what the scientific research has to say about some of the principal effects of these two incredibly important antioxidants.

When in doubt, always consult your physician or healthcare practitioner. This article is intended to provide you with information to maintain your health.